Free Premium all year!

Unmo turns 1 year 🥳 To celebrate this milestone, we offer you to try our Premium membership free of charge during 2024.

The dream of gathering our amazing industry in one place is kept alive thanks to restaurateurs like you. To show our appreciation for believing in us, we now want to give back 💛


5 990 sek / year

0 sek all of 2024

  • Your own restaurant page
  • Inbox for your business
  • Image gallery
  • 4 job ads per business

  • Social media links
  • Increased visibility in Unmo channels
  • Open application
  • 1 extra admin per business

Maximize your membership🚀

Do you want to increase your visibility towards the industry? Save precious time and lower your recruitment costs? Then our Premium membership is for you 🫡

Enjoy Unmo Premium for the rest of the year. We promise, you won't regret it!

*The offer is valid for business profiles that activate Premium before Sep 30, 2024. You can choose to switch to our basic membership at any time.

Kind regards

Unmo community team

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