
Vegan Chef - plus if you have service & wine knowledge

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Om rollen

FIR opened in June '24, we are one if Malmö's few FULLY VEGAN restaurants. We now have an opening in the kitchen as one of our members is headed back to school.

FIR has an open kitchen, so chefs play a vital role in welcoming & including guests, as well as also being part of service & the genearl running of the restaurant. We are a small & tight little team with a lovely community surrounding us.

if you'd like to know more than please don't hesitate to get in touch

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Om oss

FIR is where Malmö's vibrant flavours shine! We're all about fresh homegrown veggies from Los Perros Urban Farming, seasonal delights, small-scale eats and natural wines from local importers. Plus, we've got local brews, including a brewery in our basement. It's the ultimate taste of Malmö, all under one roof!